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HPV Vaccine Could Save Your Child's Life
Girls with Nurse
When it comes to their kids, parents are always planning. One plan that's easy to make could have a tremendous benefit, even saving a life: planning to have preteens vaccinated against human…
Reno Mom Speaks Out About Community Immunity
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When we at Immunize Nevada decided to start the #IAmTheWhy campaign, we did it to put faces to the masses who support vaccination. And as part of that goal, we are sharing with you the perspective…
My Story: The HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention
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When I was recently asked to give a TEDx talk about preventing cancer through HPV vaccination, I didn’t want my HPV story to be part of it. I didn’t want it broadcast to the world. I definitely didn…
Baby on Board: Flu Shot in Arm
Jillee Holding Baby Olga
By Mikalee Byerman Like many women, I had babies in my late 20s — at a time in my life when I was more trusting, less discriminating and (regrettably) far more likely to be spoon fed my decisions.…
Thankful for Health Thanks to Vaccines
Guest blog submitted by Amy Armentrout Eradication of many diseases is something that my generation takes for granted and gives little thought to. Growing up, I was frequently reminded of a special…