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Terrified of lice? Doctor says THESE are far scarier
Recently on social media, there’s been an uptick in the uproar about Washoe County School District’s policy on head lice.
Investing in Public Health is Good for Nevada
PPHF Quote
Update 11/3/17: Since this blog was posted, the House passed the “Continuing Community Health And Medical Professional Programs to Improve Our Nation, Increase National Gains, and Help Ensure Access…
Vaccines Not Just for Babies
Checklist NMA
The 2016 Unity Consortium national survey of parents, teens and healthcare providers revealed some major areas for improvement in preventive health communications to teens. Nearly all parents say it…
Public Health Funding in the Cross Hairs
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Prevention and Public Health Fund For the time being, the seven-year Republican quest to “repeal and replace” the Affordable Care Act has collapsed. While I don’t think we’ve seen the last attempt…
Medicaid Helps Prevent Disease
Medicaid People
Medicaid, the nation’s public health insurance program for low-income children, adults, seniors, and people with disabilities, covers 17% of Nevadans, including many with complex and costly needs…
Public Health. It's Vital to Nevada.
Apple Image PPHF
If you are following current news, you are aware the Senate is now considering two crucial pieces of legislation: the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget. Both could…
A Perspective on Polio: Then and Now
Niiw Blog A Thon Badge
In the United States in the 1940’s through the 1950’s, polio was widespread, crippling over 35,000 people each year. The outbreak caused great panic, leaving parents fearful to let their kids play…
Investing in Prevention Saves Lives and Money
Public health protects every Nevadan, every single day, in countless ways; and makes our world a better place. Many of these ways go unnoticed, in fact, public health may have saved your life today.
Help Protect the Prevention and Public Health Fund
Repeat After Us: Vaccines Are Safe. Vaccines Are Effective. Vaccines Save Lives.
2015-02-28 09.05.06
News reports continue to suggest that president-elect Donald Trump is possibly considering forming a new federal commission on immunizations after meeting with anti-vaccine advocate RFK Jr. earlier…
Preventing cancer just got a little easier. That’s a big deal.
Teen Vaccine
The official news at the end of 2016 was a change to the recommendation for HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination, reducing the recommended number of doses from three to just two for girls and boys…
Why Do You Get the Flu Vaccine Every Year?
We asked Nevadans why they get the flu vaccine. Here were their answers! Q: Why do you get a flu vaccine every year? Delmo Andreozzi County Commissioner for Elko County “I get immunized every year…